Monthly Archives: March 2021

HiFiClube Review – Portuguese

Ferrum Hypsos é uma fonte de alimentação híbrida linear/comutada universal para substituir com vantagem os ‘transformadores’ que acompanham grande parte dos DAC, Head-Amps e Streamers de pequeno porte e baixo custo – e não só. Read more hypsos review

Hypsos review from Audio magazine Poland

Radosław Łobanowski from did a detailed review on Hypsos in the February 2021 Edition of the print magazine in Poland.  Read the full review online @

HiFi News review

A novel technical exercise looking for a solution or an innovation that’s in the vanguard of an entirely new breed of hifi accesory? We tes the sophisticated HYPSOS DC supply Review&Lab: Paul Miller Read more

Ferrum Hypsos 5 to 30 volts DC Audiophile power supply – video review

In audio the importance of the power supply quality can’t be underestimated. In those cases an external power supply is used, upgrading it to an audiophile version can have a big impact on the sound quality. As we will see … Read More