
Fantastic news from Portugal!

Fantastic news from Portugal! We are thrilled to announce that our flagship DAC WANDLA has clinched the prestigious HIFICLUBE.NET DAC OF THE YEAR 2023 award! A true testament to its exceptional performance, WANDLA has set a new standard in audio … Read More



HIFICLUB Portugal reviewed the ERCO Ferrum has been receiving reviews from around the WORLD and this time is no other,but from PORTUGAL- by HIFICLUBE.NET. We’ve been honored to receive last years’ review on Hypsos and OOR; and just a few … Read More

Power supply, Ferrum Hypsos, energy under control by Audio & Cinema em Casa PT

Happy to share the Hypsos review from Audio & Cinema em Casa Portugal by Jorge Gonçalves – We translated the conclusion for you. If you want to read the Portugees file please check the link below. The Hypsos power supply … Read More

The ERCO definitely convinces me as a headphone amplifier

The ERCO definitely convinces me as a headphone amplifier..

When HEM’s boss Marcin Hamerla announced a Ferrum headphone amplifier/converter combo some time ago, I spontaneously thought of a DAC with headphone output. But the ERCO is anything but that: Not only at first glance it looks like a headphone … Read More


OOR forces headphones to tell you the truth.

„OOR forces the headphones to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Even if it hurts”.We invite you to read a new review of OOR.HIFICLUBE.NET will provide you some special information about our untypical device. … Read More

HiFiClube Review – Portuguese

Ferrum Hypsos é uma fonte de alimentação híbrida linear/comutada universal para substituir com vantagem os ‘transformadores’ que acompanham grande parte dos DAC, Head-Amps e Streamers de pequeno porte e baixo custo – e não só. Read more