Jacek Klos from hifi.com.pl report from High End Munich 2022 visited us at the show and wrote a full report in Polish about the show and history.
It is now 40 years since a group of good sound enthusiasts organised the first edition of the High End exhibition in the small town of Neuss near Düsseldorf. Interest proved so great that a year later the location was changed to a much larger one, and from 1983 to 2003 the event was held at the Kempinsky Hotel on the outskirts of Frankfurt am Main. Although it became clear fairly quickly that it too was bursting at the seams, the High End Society took a long time to decide not to move; as a result, as many as 21 editions of the exhibition were held at the Kempinsky. The move to Munich came in 2004, and it wasn’t until the interiors of the M.O.C. exhibition center proved spacious enough to accommodate most of the equipment manufacturers as well as anyone interested in visiting and establishing business relationships.