The Audio Voice newsletter wrote a nice piece about the 2022 show and about how Poland’s growing economy including the technology sector. They joined our factory before visiting the hifi show. Read below part of the item:
Poland is a rapidly growing economy (I saw quite a few more skyscrapers in Warsaw this year, compared to the last time I visited, before COVID) and the technology industries in Poland are doing very well. And audio manufacturing, including hi-fi companies in Poland are also expanding, with dozens of brands exhibiting regularly at the Warsaw show. Two times Expert Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) award winner in a row, Ferrum is an example of a company that has its development and production near Warsaw.
Leveraging the return of the Audio Video Show this year, the company summoned the attending press the day before the show opened. A factory tour of Ferrum left the impression of a young company eager to prove itself. Leaving behind its origins as an OEM/ODM contractor, Ferrum is now fully focused on its own brand of products. With a very high level of R&D skills and production standards, the company fits well in the international hi-fi arena and as an example of a company with a strong focus and obsession for high-quality audio.
Read more: Newsletter The Audio Voice