WANDLA HP – DAC/PREAMP with Headphone Amplifier


Ferrum latest family member of WANDLA, WANDLA HP.

Ferrum’s journey up the hifi chain brought them HYPSOS, their revolutionary hybrid power system, OOR, their flagship headphone amplifier, ERCO, their entry level DAC and WANDLA, their flagship DAC. What these products have in common is their upgradeability with HYPSOS. WANDLA HP resides comfortably in the space between entry and super flagship level for headphone enthusiasts.

WANDLA HP essentially is WANDLA with a great sounding headphone amplifier. It will satisfy those who are seeking more than ERCO has to offer but are not ready for WANDLA in combination with OOR, being the super flagship option. Incorporating all great options and specifications from WANDLA, Ferrum’s engineers integrated a powerful, and fully balanced composite IC headphone amplifier at the quality levels that come very close to those of OOR. As with all of Ferrum’s gear, you can reach for the stars by combining WANDLA HP with HYPSOS. It has the looks, it’s all about the music, and it’s a guaranteed head-turner.

Now your original WANDLA HP just got more desirable! We are excited to introduce  WANDLA GoldenSound Edition Converting Plugin for the WANDLA HP. Read more about the GoldenSound plugin by clicking this link. 

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